The Brave has No Fears tells the story of the legendary Guo Zhendong (Chan), who has been determined to save the country since he was a child, but he...
The Brave has No Fears
An elite team of six female rookie police recruits fails to graduate as they resist to retreat in the final test when the situation gets out of hand....
Special Female Force
In 1970s Hong Kong, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) was formed to bring down the corruption syndicate led by British government...
The Goldfinger
In order to ensure that there is no loss, Huo Dongge’s book is intended to invite the Grand Theft Auto “Iron Horse” to help...
The Real Iron Monkey
Miao Lan, who had studied Wing Chun since childhood, and Tang Aoyu, who had entered the family, had a son Nansheng. Tang Ao's mysterious identity is...
Heroes Amidst Turmoil