Pretty Bloody: The Women of Horror is a television documentary film that premiered on the Canadian cable network Space on February 25, 2009. The...
Pretty Bloody: The Women of Horror
A documentary feature that explores 1973's Messiah of Evil in the context of American independent cinema of the 70s, as well as examining the film's...
What the Blood Moon Brings: Messiah of Evil, A New American Nightmare
Feature-length in-depth documentary by High Rising Productions chronicling the Giallo film genre from its beginnings as early 20th century crime...
Yellow Fever: The Rise and Fall of the Giallo
Documentary that explores Argento's film career.
Dario Argento: An Eye for Horror
Fanarchy explores the rise of fan culture and ways in which fans are threatening the Hollywood system by becoming a creative force in their own...
Filmmaker Peter de Rome talks about his career and some of the many projects he never finished.
Fragments: The Incomplete Films of Peter de Rome
Final entry in the Bravo scary movie moments countdowns that aired in 2009.
13 Scarier Movie Moments
A detailed look at the history of horror anthology films.
Tales of the Uncanny
Documentary tracing the rise of the 'slasher' movie.
Scream and Scream Again: A History of the Slasher Film