Two undercover agents sent to get rid of a rhino poaching syndicate, become the hunted after discovering that high ranking government officials are...
Red Cargo
Set in 1962 MANDELA’S GUN is a political thriller, based on Mandelas African Odyssey. As Commander-in-Chief of the Liberation Army Umkhonto we...
Mandela's Gun
It is important not to make assumptions about a book based solely on its cover.
An experimental Afrofuturistic fable centered around Wanita, a mysterious young woman who embarks on a journey of discovery that might just save...
Naked Reality
In the near future, all teachers give lectures in front of an empty classroom and a simple webcam, broadcasting their lesson over the internet. An...
As It Used To Be
Newlyweds Mary and Matt celebrate Christmas - and their passion for running - with two honeymoon tickets to Africa’s ultimate footrace, The...
The Furnace
An undercover cop is released from jail after being wrongfully convicted for uncovering a conspiracy that led to the death of hundreds of people...