Presenting the stories of six Media Prima employees from different parts of the work. The relationship crisis between the six featured characters is...
Seindah Kasih
The movie follows the story of a PASKAU team led by Captain Adib and his mentor, Major Adnan, tasked with protecting humanitarians serving in war...
Air Force The Movie: Danger Close
Plot unknown
When his car plunged into a deep ravine surrounded by thick jungle, the man, with broken arms and legs, painstakingly crawled for days to find a way...
This RM6.0 million film is Malaysia`s biggest film production to honour the fight against Covid-19; bringing a real-life story to the big screen with...
Set in the 1970s, a multicultural team of Malaysian football players struggle to overcome personal and collective hardships as a team. Together they...
Ola Bola
Three aliens use the dead body of the human to adjust to the Earth's condition so that they are able to find a way back.
Alien Janda Baik
After the death of her mother and father, Nona lived with her aunt and brother, Bawan. Miss is interested in Anas, an instafamous singer who also...
Lelaki Kelas Sebelah
Jay, a bodyguard, races against time to save his boss, businessman Dato' Hashim and his daughter Nadi, against a hostile hostage situation.
J2: J Retribusi
When suspicions of infidelity drive a forgetful housewife to the brink of madness, her unravelling marriage explodes into a deadly confrontation,...