The short film "Next" is a light dramedy that shows the afternoon shift of a fresh detective. Sketches of objects are accumulating on his wall, the...
Cirkus Maximum
A WW I veteran still haunted by his time in the trenches settles in a small town to work for the railroad company. His pretty wife attracts the...
Guard No. 47
Nadia and Peter meet during a time when their respective marriages are falling apart. Peter’s marriage has cooled due to his wife Lenka’s...
Never Say Never
A disparate group of characters unknowingly bond by the sexual choices they make. Consumed by loneliness, a British businessman ponders a rendezvous...
A son obsessed with solving the murky death of his father arranges a rafting expedition down the same treacherous river where the tragedy took place.
At Your Own Risk
It's spring 1939. The bishop in Banska Bystrica finds out that in the village of Piargy, that was buried by an avalanche a few days ago, the...
The Ballad of Piargy
The last drop for Jan's resolution is the voluntary death of his father-in-law, whose strength and patience ran dry. Grandma made decisions about...
Tiger Theory
The incredible tale of Mozart's Prague years.
Interlude In Prague
Prázdniny: Vianočné dobrodružstvo
Five married couples travel to a luxury resort to rekindle their relationships but quickly find themselves tangled up in a possible police...
The Art of Passion