This 'Young V-Cinema' film was created for young people, turning from the action of Toei V-cinema. A pop love story featuring a veteran actor and a...
Two Magical Nights
Detective Zura sequel
Rug Cop: The Biggest Overhead Battle
In the near future, the economy has collapsed and the country has turned into a ghetto. A secret agency, Gokuraku, has been created by the...
Lady Ninja: A Blue Shadow
The true story of a young Japanese girl who played the piano for POWs during World War II and how it affected their lives. It is a story of humanity,...
An American Piano
Bad Boy Blue
Silver Rain
Trying to pass a strange bill to clear up the suspicion put on himself
Aa... kakugi
Two teenage best pals attracted to the same boy end up scrambling his life after he walks into a door and is knocked unconscious.
Hana and Alice
Collection of short films: Spaghetti Napolitan (Atsushi Kaneshige) 3:15 PM (Hiroyuki Nakano) Iron (Hiroyuki Nakano) Lighthouse (Hiroyuki Nakano)...
Otokotachi no uta