Set in a small town in the Italian countryside, a young and handsome Alfredo returns home after a long time along with his partner Mattia, an African...
When in Rome
1950. William Lee, an American expat in Mexico City, spends his days almost entirely alone, except for a few contacts with other members of the small...
Ashley and her mother Susan are two New Yorkers coming to Italy to sell the grandparents ranch. Once there Ashley falls in love with one of the...
A Christmas Dream
Filmed on the streets of Venice, the Gender Symphony follows the hapless servant Columbina as she toils under the tyrannical Dr. Pants—an...
Gender Symphony
In 2005, Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena was kidnapped in Iraq by a group of terrorists. Nicola Calipari, a SISMI agent, is tasked with rescuing...
The Kite