The story of three art-school grads realizing that their degrees and artistic ambitions haven't necessarily prepared them for the real world and...
When Elliot, a brash 23-year-old living carefree in New York City, meets the sensible Mia and receives a damning diagnosis all in the same week, his...
After Everything
No one seemed to care about Jamie Marks until after his death. Hoping to find the love and friendship he never had in life, Jamie’s ghost...
Jamie Marks Is Dead
A man has only three and a half days and limited resources to discover why he was imprisoned in a nondescript room for 20 years without any...
A vengeful father hunts down his daughter's boyfriend on the Fourth of July.
Light My Fire
A fourteen-year-old genius gets rejected by Harvard and ends up at a much lower ranked school where he makes friends with a mature student.
Molly Bloom, a young skier and former Olympic hopeful becomes a successful entrepreneur (and a target of an FBI investigation) when she establishes a...
Molly's Game