The ancient monster Moon Ghost comes to Earth to devour humanity, and one young woman holds the enigmatic key to stopping his malevolent rampage of...
Moon Ghost
Intrepid adventurer Hank Danger must thwart a gorgeous Venusian spy's plot to steal an earth scientist's fantastic new weapon for use in an assault...
Hank Danger and the Woman from Venus!
Hank Danger returns to the screen for his third thrilling and hilarious adventure! This time, our intrepid hero Hank Danger is searching for a...
Hank Danger and the League of Scientists
Famed hero and adventurer Hank Danger leads an expedition to the Jungle Planet to retrieve a powerful energy source and winds up leading a revolution...
Hank Danger and the Space Mummy's Tomb
Intrepid adventurer Hank Danger races to discover the location of the legendary Fountain of Death! Along the way he battles a sly traitor, a...
Hank Danger and the Fountain of Death
In this absurd sequel, Selina has no idea how to fulfill her destiny as the new Moon Wizard, but she's been having visions predicting the return of...
Moon Ghost Returns
Hannah, a military widow, and her young daughter rediscover the joy of Christmas in a world forever changed while fighting for healing and love.
A Soldier for Christmas