The film mainly tells the story of ordinary high school student Lu Fan who was accidentally involved in the demon battle, and was awarded the top...
Realm of the immortals
Zhang Daoling received a letter of help from his friend Wen, an adult, and took his disciple Wang Chang to Bashu. However, he found his friend was...
Taoist Master
Security of the Ming Dynasty
A shipment of a narcotic more dangerous than opium is about to be distributed across the country by a corrupt pharmaceutical company. In the face of...
The Unity of Heroes
At the end of the Chino-Japanese War, a top military officer, Zhang Zhidong, is kidnapped in the middle of the night by a militant organisation...
Warriors of the Nation
Ancestor in Search of Gold
Zhang Daoling received a letter of help from his friend Wen, an adult, and took his disciple Wang Chang to Bashu. However, he found that his friend...
Master Zhang
Chen Cheng’s Taoist Master: Kylin is the quick fire sequel to Wu Yingxiang’s Taoist Master (released just a few months ago, already...
Taoist Master : Kylin
The Dragon Coffin Tomb 2: Flowers of the Dead