Based on the eponymous fairy tale by Peter Asbjørnsen, this is the story of a young man named Hans, who is given a magical flute that can...
The Royal Hares
Как кошка с собакой
Based on XIII century historical chronicles (The Tale of the Destruction of Riazan by Batu) it's a story about how folk hero Yevpatiy Kolovrat seeks...
The Tale of Yevpatiy Kolovrat
The tale follows the romance between a china shepherdess and a china chimney sweep who are threatened by a carved mahogany satyr who wants the...
The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep
The young soldier Vasily Lemekhov has returned from the hospital and met a young woman Natasha in Chisinau.
Earthly Joys
Dolphines Tristan and Pavlova adopt a boy, Mikko, left behind after a shipwreck.
Mikko, Pavlova's Son
After training at the dolphin reconnaissance school, the dolphin Tristan was sent on an important mission to a secret military base of the USSR to...
Underwater Berets
The civil war separated families on opposite sides of the barricades. How to understand this situation for a young girl who is being raised by a rich...
Lena Kostenetskaya
Adventures of Mowgli is an animated feature-length story originally released as five animated shorts of about 20 minutes each between 1967 and 1971...
The Adventures of Mowgli
Раз – горох, два – горох...
The Pill
A Million in the Sach
A cartoon about the Battle of Kulikovo Field.
Swans of Nepriadva