After the death of a group of teenagers using the Ouija, the psychologist Fernanda and her son return to Peru, but they will find themselves...
Sinister Circle
Set in Iquitos, the story follows Andrea (Airam Galliani), a 15-years-ago teenage girl, who suffers the death of his father. With the help of his...
General Cemetery
Manolo is an adolescent who dreams about making movies. It's 1968 and, among his friends, he spends his last year before entering university on the...
Rocanrol 68
The year 2050 the planet has become overpopulated, to help control population the government develops a race. The Death Race. Annually competitors...
Death Race 2050
Julio is the best salesman in a company but at home he is “a weakling”. When he can no longer bear orders, he decides to take control of...
The Weakling's Handbook