A public hospital serves as a witness to a young boy’s rite of passage when he is stuck to take care of his ailing father. Caught in a place...
The film is based on the progressive and nationalist youth organization “Kabataang Makabayan” (KM), founded in 1964. Kabataang Makabayan...
The tale of an activist’s journey during the turbulent years of Martial Law, until his capture in the mountains and the dark, nine years of...
The Guerilla is a Poet
A film about Andres Bonifacio.
A writer is approached by a strange man who claims to be a character in her story. The man tries to make sense of his situation as they walk along an...
In the future, farming on Earth is outlawed due to the toxic environment and all agriculture is done off-world. But despite the ban, some scientists...
Teban, a troubled teen who recently got out of jail for petty theft, moves to tenement 66 with his older brother Tony and cousin Ron-ron, hoping to...
Tenement 66