Upon leaving prison, Brazilian Jonathan discovers that his ex-fiancee has disappeared, leaving behind a six-year-old son. The unlikely duo venture...
Ballad of a Hustler
Small town filmmaker is haunted by a persistent killer who wishes to inspire by reeking havoc on the lives of local college students. As the body...
Murder Below the Line
Following the discovery of a reverend’s body, a retired detective uncovers corruption and murder in a Rust Belt community.
What would you do if you woke up in a motel room with a gun in your hand, a corpse on the bed, and no memory of what happened the night before?
'All That Remains' is a powerful story of a WW2 veteran with dementia, suffering a confused world of his life's painful losses with Death his only...
All That Remains
Brooklyn, New York. After the sudden death of their aunt Isabelle, Vivien and Chloe inherit her historic bakery. Vivien wants to keep up the...
Bakery in Brooklyn