Ten short pieces directed by ten different directors, including Ken Russell, Jean-Luc Godard, Robert Altman, Bruce Beresford, and Nicolas Roeg. Each...
In 1923 British Colonial Nigeria, Mister Johnson is an oddity -- an educated black man who doesn't really fit in with the natives or the British. He...
Mister Johnson
An illegal psychic teleportation experiment goes horribly wrong, and pretentious promo director Patrick gets his genes mixed with those of a football...
The Yob
Music producer Arnold Silverstein is desperate for a song hit so when the Devil - a woman - supplies him with the answer to his dreams, a piece...
The tumultuous life of the controversial 1960s black revolutionary (and convicted murderer) Michael X is illustrated by a kaleidoscopic melding of...
Who Needs a Heart
Returning to England from Trinidad and Tobago for one night only, a former trickster finds that old friends and communities have moved on.
Big George Is Dead
In London, just a few years from now, the government have enforced a curfew - no civilians on the streets after dark. A terrorist group have...
Ex-con Clarkie is betrayed by his best friend, he has no one to turn to as he tracks down his brother's killers. The war spills onto London's mean...