Sabash Babu is a Tamil film released in 1993 produced by T. Rajendar and directed by Sasi Mohan. Rajender himself appears in a major role with his...
Sabash Babu
Pettredutha Pillai is a Tamil film released in 1993 directed by Poornachandran, with camera, lyrics, music and story by T. Rajendar. The film starred...
Pettredutha Pillai
Roja, a part-time singer, works at a finance company where her colleague, Murali, is madly in love with her. However, Roja rejects his proposal as...
Sonnal Thaan Kaadhala
Thai Thangai Paasam (English: Mother, Sister Affection) is a Tamil film released in 1995 directed and produced by T. Rajendar. Rajender himself...
Thai Thangai Paasam
Oru Vasantha Geetham is a Tamil film released in 1994 directed and produced by T. Rajendar. Rajender himself appeared in the title role with...
Oru Vasantha Geetham