The film consists of five films about Yamato in the post-COVID period. Tominaga's "The Fourth Eye" depicts a bewildered father who is introduced to...
Made in Yamato
In this black comedy the lives of a timid small-time printer and his young wife are turned inside out by the arrival of a stranger who moves in and...
A teacher is sexually involved with an underage student. She visits her father's home and discovers a boy who's been kept as a sex slave. The teacher...
Memories can be blocked, but they can also be invented. Psychology professor Eiko works with people who were traumatized by the 2011 earthquake and...
Fukuura Koharu works at a child welfare office and plunges into despair overnight. Then she meets Daigo, a private-practice doctor raising his...
The Cinderella Addiction
Kako (Fumi Nikaido) is a female high school student. She lives at a restaurant run by her family in Kitashinagawa, Tokyo. Unexpectedly, Kako's aunt,...
Kako: My Sullen Past
Theatre 1 (Observational Film Series #3) is a feature length documentary, which closely depicts the world of Oriza Hirata, Japan's leading playwright...
Theatre 1
Saori is a high school student at a provincial city. She is a member of playgroup at her school. Yoshioka begins to work at the same high school as a...
The Curtain Rises