Aadhi, an aspiring musician, travels to another state in hopes of making it big. While there, an unexpected event leaves him trapped, unable to...
Mandharam begins with the all too familiar trope - the schoolboy who spends his days dreaming about his childhood sweetheart and classmate, who, at...
A musical-romantic-comedy drama about an educated middle class woman from Kerala, Meenu who was born on the same day when the Mollywood superstar...
Kallookaran Joy is a single father who has left his gangster life behind to lead a peaceful life with his daughter. Things take an unexpected turn...
The film, titled Kutty Mama, is directed by Vm Vinu and Sreenivasan plays the title role in it.
Kunjeldho, an undergraduate student, falls in love with his classmate Nivedita. Problems arise when Nivedita gets pregnant.
MANAS is a 2024 Indian Malayalam film, directed by Babu Thiruvalla and produced by Babu Thiruvalla and Lee Philip. The film stars Sheelu Abraham,...