On a quest to unravel the mysteries of recurring nightmares, four college grad students experiment on each other, monitoring and attempting to...
Dreammaster: The Erotic Invader
Fresh to Las Vegas with no connections, Nomi Malone takes a job as an exotic dancer. Her talents are quickly noticed by Cristal, a headlining dancer...
A painter has serious creative block. He decides that two nude models living in his house might help. His wife objects, or does she?
Body Strokes
A mysterious attacker is preying on the rich and decadent set in an elite community.
Sinful Intrigue
Emmanuelle makes first contact...when a group of intergalactic travelers arrives, seeking to understand human love and sexuality. Who better to teach...
Emmanuelle: First Contact
Based on a popular adult CD ROM game created by Don R. Hanvey. A second video titled Heidi's House: The Party was also released.
Heidi's House: Upstairs
Companion tape to Heidi's House: Upstairs. Based on a CD ROM game.
Heidi's House: The Party
This edition of the sexually charged series The Adventures of Justine is titled In the Heat of Passion. The story involves Justine daydreaming about...
Justine: In the Heat of Passion
Emmanuelle teaches her alien friends to explore sexual fantasy through their dreams, and searches for her own dream lover.
Emmanuelle in Space 5: A Time to Dream
Justine is kidnapped to become a sex slave, but is rescued by Professor Robson--only to awake and find out it was all a dream.
Justine: A Midsummer Night's Dream
Justine is kidnapped by Professor Robson's arch nemesis in an attempt to force her to reveal the location of the jeweled "The Eye of God". Can...
Justine: Seduction of Innocence
Having made First Contact with intergalactic travelers, Emmanuelle continues her ongoing mission... to impart the secrets of human love and...
Emmanuelle in Space 2: A World of Desire
As Emmanuelle demonstrates the hidden joys of sexual fantasy to her intergalactic students, the alien's leader is torn between love and jealousy.
Emmanuelle in Space 4: Concealed Fantasy