13-year-old Sachiko is about to encounter the most difficult moments in her young life. Her father abandons her and her mother attempts to commit...
Harmful Insect
Saya Toma is a female detective with an IQ of 201. Takeru Sebumi is a career detective with a distinguished background. They work on cases by...
SPEC: Heaven
In his mid-thirties, YANAGIDA Yoshinori aspires to be a movie actor but suffers from want of opportunity, working mostly as a stand-in for other...
The Cactus in the Bed
In the aftermath of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, a journalist arrives in Nagaoka, a city decimated during a WWII air raid and by the...
Casting Blossoms to the Sky
A documentary featuring the band Tama who created a sensation in 1990. They enjoyed great success, but disbanded after one of the members left. All...
A film of TAMA
Construction worker Kumada (Kiryu) used to be a member of the popular band Uma no Hone 30 years ago. In a sudden turn of events, he moves into a low...
The Band From Nowhere