When a civil war threatens to break out, two geishas flee from their village with aristocrats. During the long journey, the socially inferior women...
Oyuki the Virgin
A lost film directed by Ushihara Kiyohiko based on a story published in the Mainichi Sunday Newspaper entitled '恋女扇.' It stars a...
A quintessential example of the period "ghost cat" (bakeneko or kaibyo) movie, this was one of at least six such titles released by the studio Shinko...
The Ghost Cat and the Mysterious Shamisen
Once a wealthy local land owner, Toranosuke has long since fallen on hard times. Social ostracism befalls those who neglect communal duties and...
The Comb of Oroku
In this Japanese retelling of Cinderella, Okuro (Takayama) is the unfortunate stepdaughter of a family of tanuki: shape-shifting raccoon dogs. She...
Palace of the Singing Raccoon-Dogs
Arima Neko
Second Generation Married Couple
Film about Ghost-Cat.
Monster Cat Akabe Daimyojin
Japanese movie from 1930s
Kagamiyama Enchanting Romance