Critically-acclaimed playwright James Ijames reinvents Shakespeare’s masterpiece with his new drama, FAT HAM. Juicy is a queer, Southern...
Fat Ham
In New York City, a crime lord's right-hand man is seduced by a woman seeking retribution.
Dead Man Down
After rich businessman Paul Greco (popular daytime star Jon Lindstrom) retires early, his imperious sister Elise (two-time Emmy Award® nominee...
What Happens Next
In a series of escalating encounters, former security guard David Dunn uses his supernatural abilities to track Kevin Wendell Crumb, a disturbed man...
A young woman relives the memory of being molested by her father.
My Turtle's Name Is Dudley
When Mr. Deen discovers one of his students has been living out of his car and thrown into jail, he decides to bail him out. Determined to curb...
Brave the Dark