The film chronicles the exploits of the title character, Charlie, played by Raymond J. Barry (Training Day) a career criminal intent on scoring one...
Charlie Valentine
USC student short by James Foley. Two mental hospital attendants spend Christmas Eve caring for a group of patients and arguing with each other
Silent Night
A group of friends are put through a supernatural inter-dimensional experiment on Halloween Night where they must survive real-life horrors as well...
The Sleep: Survival Horror (Part One)
Following the death of her mysterious grandma, her Amah, a young chef is haunted during her first night of service at a Michelin star kitchen.
When her down-on-his luck confidential informant in a criminal investigation suddenly goes missing, a desperate young federal agent recruits his...
A Prince and Pauper Christmas
Lisa learns that her stepfather, whom she hasn't seen in years, suffered a deadly fall down the stairs at the family home and that her estranged...
To Kill a Stepfather
Spanning seventeen cities and five countries on four continents, ANNO 2020 is a global kaleidoscope of interconnected characters seeking redemption,...
Anno 2020
“En Avant” highlights the internal struggle of a Black ballerina with self-acceptance as she faces racism in a white-dominated art form....
En Avant
To stop the Third Reich and the Nazi war machine from winning World War II and affecting the outcome of the free world, Toulon's indestructible...
Puppet Master : Axis Termination
A portrait of two parents and their 8-year-old son struggling against the harsh realities of inner-city life in an alternate version of modern day...
Abe has secretly been living in his woodland home, which he shields by scaring off ids, happily together with Bruno, a mountain gorilla he saved from...
Abe & Bruno
A daughter acuses her mother for killing her boyfriend but was it really the mother who did it or was it someone who has always been there?
Stalked by My Mother
Dream Town Development real estate bosses Jack Del Rio and Sy Richards can't convince animal lover Carol Tanner to sell and relocate safari/animal...
Wild Fire
Desert Prayer
A 1985 Canadian drama.
Means and Ends
A homicide detective investigating a series of sex murders in L.A receives help on the case from a well-known sex therapist with a dark secret.
Crime Scene