This movie follows Charlotte as she gets acquainted with her competitive neighbor Bonnie. A neighborhood watch is created when another neighbor is...
Nightmare Neighborhood Moms
A man hires a private investigator when his wife disappears on their honeymoon and his bank account gets drained.
Escape from Love
The true story of Mamie Till Mobley’s relentless pursuit of justice for her 14 year old son, Emmett Till, who, in 1955, was lynched while...
Based on a shocking true story, Melanie McGuire was an exceptional fertility nurse, married to her ex-Navy husband Bill and doting mother of two...
Suitcase Killer: The Melanie McGuire Story
In college, attorney Molly Singer was the life of every party. Now, she's about to be fired because she can't leave her partying ways behind. Molly's...
The Re-Education of Molly Singer
Monica is looking for a fresh start as she tries to land a gig as the host of an afternoon talk show. Then she hires Simone to be her personal...
Single Black Female