The drama tells the story of John Lennon's teenage years in Liverpool and the start of his journey to becoming a successful musician. The story also...
Nowhere Boy
Memphis cop Lieutenant McKenzie is called in to investigate a series of strange deaths and wierd sightings following the resurrection of a murder...
Nicole is an introverted Liverpudlian teenager, all but deserted by her parents, with a mother distractedly working nights and a father who has...
Jean, a PE teacher, is forced to live a double life. When a new student arrives and threatens to expose her sexuality, Jean is pushed to extreme...
Blue Jean
Charts the headlong fall of Pinkie, a razor-wielding disadvantaged teenager with a religious death wish.
Brighton Rock
A young man arrives in Blackpool, the seaside town of his childhood. Unable to reconcile the happy memories of his past with the bleak reality of the...
The Laughing King
Tom,a junior doctor under suspension for fatally removing the wrong lung from a patient and nick-named Dr. Death,is working in Leeds as a paramedic...
A year in the life of a half-breed Gypsy as he tries, against the odds, to adjust to the 21st century and leave his roots behind.