An urban contemporary film about adultery, murder and betrayal in the film noir style. A simple story to which the director imparts a feeling of...
Private Detective: Two Plus Two Plus One
The heartwarming tale of Barfi, a charming deaf-mute young man from 1970s Darjeeling, and two unalike women who can't help but fall for him.
Hailed as India's first stereoscopic animated film, 'Krishna Aur Kans' is an exciting narrative full of action and drama. The movie chronicles...
Krishna and Kamsa
Sandhya and Nikhil have been married for eight years and live a wealthy lifestyle in Bombay, along with a daughter, Rashmi. However, their lives...
Unable to see, hear, or speak after a childhood illness, a young woman grows up prone to violent outbursts until an eccentric tutor changes her life.
4 mental patients formulate the plan to rescue their kidnapped doctor and teach the kidnappers a lesson.
Krazzy 4
An abusive wife, a hot girlfriend and a court case, Govinda Waghmare is just not able to catch a break. The icing on top of that horrible cake - a...
Govinda Naam Mera
Two children are transported through time to learn about the 10 avatars of Lord Vishnu and discover that Vishnu took on various incarnations to...
The Patels, members of the Gujarati farming community, are obsessed with migrating to the United States to buy a motel.
Kevi Rite Jaish
A driver named Raju embarks on an extraordinary journey of redemption by forever changing lives of 3 people due to a controversial hit and run...
Wrong Side Raju