A carefree man inadvertently frees a group of kidnapped young women from a criminal gang of traffickers and earns their wrath. His girlfriend's...
The film revolves around the feud between the three brothers over property; two brothers, from their father's first wife on one side with their...
Drona (Nitin) is the only son of Mukhesh Rushi and Sita. Drona’s father Mukesh Rushi is an honest and dedicated Police officer. Drona likes his...
A schizophrenic rock musician, is convinced that his parents were murdered by three men. Taking the support of a journalist, he sets out to find the...
1: Nenokkadine
A police inspector sends a gangster-lookalike to uncover the gang's secrets.
Lenny, a crime reporter, makes a life-altering choice to pocket a case of stolen jewels to transform his mundane life. However, his good fortune...
Trained by a religious martial arts guru, Badri becomes the protector of Badrinath temple and tries to revive Alakananda's faith in God, unaware of...
Rama Rao fails to get a job with the police force due to his father's connections with a gangster. But when his brother is killed by the gangster,...
Suryaveer, an ex-army officer, is assigned the task of protecting a young girl, Anamika. When Anamika gets kidnapped, he decides to use all his...
Ek Ajnabee
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose: The Forgotten Hero (also known as Bose: The Forgotten Hero) is a 2005 film directed by Shyam Benegal and starring Sachin...
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose: The Forgotten Hero
A simple man from a village comes to a city to make his fortune and will not accept mistreatment from anyone.
Pipi and Sim Chopra are accused of several terrorist attacks, and it is up to Advocate Krishan Pundit to prove their innocence.
Chocolate: Deep Dark Secrets
While travelling on a rainy night with his boss, an arrogant actress, Avinash's car ends up hitting a woman. Soon they all get stranded in a motel...
Khamoshh... Khauff Ki Raat
After being orphaned at the age of 12 and living with incompatible relatives, Kailash ends up on the streets, is picked by police and lodged in a...
A politician slips into coma after being attacked by criminals. He wakes up several years later to find his son having taken up his responsibilities....