A young teenager named Mikey Walsh finds an old treasure map in his father's attic. Hoping to save their homes from demolition, Mikey and his friends...
The Goonies
A conflicted teen lashes out by vandalizing equipment at the nuclear plant where his father works, then hits the road and finds a spiritual path.
Time to Run
Struggling actress Hedda Hopper can't get a break in Hollywood, even though an acquaintence of hers is the extremely powerful gossip monger Louella...
Malice in Wonderland
Various interconnected people struggle to survive when an earthquake of unimaginable magnitude hits Los Angeles, California.
An emotionally disturbed teenager whose father is a research scientist takes a rat from his father's laboratory that is infected with an incurable...
The Missing Are Deadly
A crippled lady songwriter meets an older lawyer who becomes her first love.
The Affair
A widower, visiting the crypt that holds the body of his wife, is accidentally trapped therein. That night he finds that she seems to have been...
Till Death