The story revolves around an insecure teetotaler Sarathy (Karunas) who feels bad due to his dark skin (his wife Karthika is fairer than him) who is...
Dindigul Sarathy
A brother is distraught when his sister faces problems in her marital life and returns home. However, things take a turn when he strives hard to...
Aparichithan movie revolves around three college girls who are very close friends. Meenakshi (Kavya), Devi (Manya) and Simi (Karthika) are very good...
An honest police officer takes on the mightiest of the crime world. Hrishikesh (Suresh Gopi) is an honest and duty-bound police officer. Believing...
Crime lords GV and Beda Dosthe are close pals, but when Beda Dosthe's Robin Hood-like generosity toward the poor propels him to the top of the Kochi...
Bada Dosth
Njaan Salperu Raman Kutty (2004) Ramankutty (Jayaram), a teacher in the village school is known as "salperu" (i.e. good reputation). Ramankutty's...
Njaan Salperu Raman Kutty
Hari's and Ganga's mobile phones got exchanged accidently and they started getting misleading calls....
Pulival Kalyanam
Black Cat
Advocate Ramesh saves Devan from a murder case. Later, he realize Devan was the actual culprit. Ramesh tries for a payback, unaware of Devan's real...
Twenty 20
Madhavan (Dileep) is a clever thief who does robbery for a living. He is following the principles of his mentor Mullani Pappan (Mala Aravindan)....
Meesa Madhavan
Autorickshaw driver Prabhu, Rich kid Yuvan, aspiring actor Aadhi, shorts-eats maker Ramana and under-used junior lawyer Iniyan are your usual...
Palaivana Solai
A science fiction film about a reporter and her adopted child prodigy. Maya (Kavya Madhavan) is a media reporter. She is an orphan, who has adopted a...
Kanakambaran owner and actor of a failing theatrical company gets a chance to enact a real-life drama.
Kanaka Simhasanam
A team of workers at a petroleum plant dies while on holiday when their bus falls into a ravine. A police office discovers that the deaths were not...
Pulan Visaranai 2
Nalai Namathe is about the man who struggles to raise the standards of the society he lives in. The film is based on the concept that government...
Naalai Namathe
A man loves a woman who belongs to a royal family whose members are hiding some dark secrets. When her mother opposes their marriage, they elope, get...
A girl who suffers from speech and hearing impairment falls in love with a poor man who is speech-impaired. Their lives turn upside down when her...
Oomappenninu Uriyadappayyan
Nam Naadu is a Action based movie. It starts with Aalavandhar(Nasser) a corrupt politician who holds the post as Education minister and wants to...
Nam Naadu
Achum Kundam's illegitimate son, Hamsa, resents him and constantly attacks him while he struggles to sort things out. However, an unexpected...
Manu, Meera, Rafeeq, Ashok and Vijayakumar study together in a college. The five friends share a close bond and are always willing to fight for each...
5 Fingers
The film revolves round a socio-political family where Balagangadhara Menon, the Education Minister lives with his son B.Krishnakumar a.k.a. Unni -a...