The story takes place in 1993 Serbia, torn by hyperinflation and economic disaster. Milan, an avid fan of FC Partizan, lives with his friend, a...
Three Palms for Two Punks and a Babe
A love story between a teenager girl and a small time mob set in Belgrade during the times of great political turmoil.
Boulevard of the Revolution
A ruthless woman's adulterous affair with a drifter sets in motion a chain-reaction of murder and deception in a remote village in 19th Century...
Siberian Lady Macbeth
A sickly village girl wants to marry a house painter, who only prefers to fool around.
Poor Maria
Seaside in the summer: a meeting place of all sorts of people and professions. Elderly Mr Paja and two youths, Zorica and Mirko, experience many...
To Seaside, Everybody!
During the final battles of liberation in 1945, the three generations of a bourgeoisie family gather in their villa. Their children, who recognized...
The Last Owls and the First Peacocks
One night, after disastrous road accident, the eyewitnesses were claiming that they saw a woman behind the steering wheel. It was actually three...
The Restless Ones