Aparajito picks up where the first film leaves off, with Apu and his family having moved away from the country to live in the bustling holy city of...
Setap, a money-minded man, gets insecure when he hears a rumour about his dutiful wife and spendthrift brother, Mahatap. Soon, things go out of hand...
Champadangar Bou
A LOST 1958 Bengali Film Directed by Agragami.
Daak Harkara
A naive Sanskrit poet, shunned for falling in love with a low-caste Indian woman, faces challenges after entering into a competition with a princess.
Mahakabi Kalidas
Ananda, an upcoming writer leaves his village to pursue his writing career in Kolkata
Dui Bon
Trouble ensues when an eccentric but simple-minded villager discovers he is the only living heir of a royal estate.
Hemen Gupta's 'Bhuli Nai' (1948) was set against the infamous 1905 Partition of Bengal by Lord Curzon.
Bhuli Nai