The adventures of a young patriotic samurai. This is the Nikkatsu version of Shin Hasegawa's original story. Shochiku released their version of the...
Beni-kōmori - Dai ippen
The adventures of the samuraï Chohachiro Tonami continues (sequel to Beni-kōmori - Dai ippen).
Beni-kōmori - Kōhen
The legendary tale of the forty-seven samurai and their mission to avenge the death of their master.
Zōho kaitei Chūshingura
Early film directed by Kenji Misumi.
During the Taiping Rebellion of the mid-19th century, anti-Qing (Manchu) Chinese forces led by Taiping commander Li Xiucheng march on Shanghai....
Signal Fires of Shanghai
This is a classic Japanese Ghost Story.
Yotsuya Kaidan