The story follows Yasuyuki, an amateur musician living alone in Tokyo, supported by an allowance from his parents. He doesn't go to college or have a...
Peach: I'll Do Anything For You
The adventures and tribulations of a group of students during the years following the II World War.
Downtown Heroes
Live concert
Jun Togawa & Yapoos - Tour-Live'85-86
1980s TV doc following left-field new wave icon Jun Togawa on a tour of New York subcultures you'd never see on American TV.
Jun Togawa in New York
Approached by a friend about a matchmaking arrangement, Su-san goes to Hama-chan's home seeking help. Hama-chan is away on a business trip, but...
Free and Easy Special
A kindergarten teacher meets a novice magician and together they travel to another city to find love.
Main Theme
Go Takamine's first theatrical feature is a pioneering work of Okinawan cinema, filmed almost entirely in Okinawan dialect. Taking place shortly...
Paradise View
Suspense TV movie adaptation of an original story by Sawako Ariyoshi, starring Yukiyo Toake.
Fushin no Toki
Hama-chan gets Su-san hooked on fishing, but Su-san has some problems to deal with; a beautiful woman saves Su-san when he collapses while fishing.
Free and Easy 2
Densuke Hamazaki is an office worker at Suzuki Construction and gets transferred to the main Tokyo office. After settling in to his surrounding along...
Free and Easy
Hama-chan and Su-san go fishing during a business trip, but Hama-chan has to give a lecture on Su-san's behalf in a case of mistaken identity.
Free and Easy 6
Looks at the lives of Chinese people in Japan.
About Love, Tokyo
Young writer Tamako, who is wrongfully accused of killing the head yakuza, must find a way out of trouble.
Like a Savage
A sendup of the stereotypical Japanese family: dad is a salaryman jerk, unable to relate to anyone; mom is a hopeless housewife; the older son is a...
The Family Game
In the sparsely populated rural areas of Japan, the female population is far smaller than the male. An attempt is made to counter this imbalance by...
Swimming with Tears
Maiko is a recently widowed young woman travelling to Bali to distract herself from the loss of her husband, Esau. At the airport she meets Kioko,...
Ruby Fruit
Yuichi Koga is an upper-class business executive, running his own adult video company, and living a successful life with his wife and daughter....
Love Bites Back
Su-San invites Hama-chan to go fishing at a place close to his heart after learning about Hama-chan and his wife's fertility problems.
Free and Easy 3
Hama-chan and his wife are ecstatic about their long-awaited pregnancy. Meanwhile, Su-san's nephew joins Hama-chan's department at the company.
Free and Easy 4
Hama-chan shows up to work with his son on his back when his wife goes to her class reunion and his mother throws her back out.
Free and Easy 5
Seven raccoons with supernatural powers sneak into a freight train, disguise themselves as humans, and head to Tokyo with the intention to create a...
Checkers in Tan Tan tanuki
A shady music mogul brings together two wannabe stars—punk rock rebel Kan and new-wave crooner Shingo—and transforms them into the...
The Legend of the Stardust Brothers
Tora-san's nephew Mitsuo is exchanging letters with Izumi, a former classmate whose parents divorced and took her out of Tokyo.
Tora-san, My Uncle
Anthology film featuring three stories, each written and directed by a different actress and based on a comic by Hitomi Saki.
One-Room Story
Based on the novel of the same name by Shizuka Ijûin. Played as a double feature with Crepe (1993).
A magical realist story of the legendary Okinawan hero Untamagiru participating in efforts to form an independent Okinawa before the island was...
Untama giru
Jun Togawa - Tamahimeden - Live At Ganyu Concert
Yapoos: HYS Noise
October, 1987. American filmmaker Steven Okazaki is making a documentary about laureated japanese author Kenzaburo Oe, but all goes wrong when he...
Hunting Tigers
Kirai ja nai yo 2