Historical satire from the first half of the 19th century, which captures the decay and decline of the landed estate. The impoverished peasants still...
Earthly Honor
Kráska a výlet
Rajský plyn
A Slovak comedy from director Štefan Uher and screenwriter Alfonz Bednár.
The Genius
Klenovič Ján
Srdce na lane
Život na úteku
A young teacher grows up in a small Slovak village during the Second World War.
Man Is Not Desirable
A family saga taking place mostly in a small Slovak village over a period of thirty years (1887–1917). The first part captures the life of...
The Millennial Bee
A story of a man threatened by a fatal illness evaluating his life (the number 322 in the film title stands for the diagnosis of one kind of cancer)....
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