This documentary delves deeper into the racism issue addressing many discriminatory practices in Peru, researching their origins and their hurtful...
After Pompey's defeat at the Battle of Farsalia, Julius Caesar becomes the beacon of the Roman Republic and the master of its destiny; but many...
Julio César
El mercader de Venecia
Andrés' parents, in Madrid, and Pierre's parents, in Paris, have agreed to a school exchange for their children during the summer. However,...
Vacaciones para Ivette
In the vast army of human society, Pepe, a sweeper, occupies one of the last places: anonymous, gray, vague. Pepe is a member of that ghostly dawn...
Un millón en la basura
Manos de seda
A group of students preparing to be midshipmen at the Naval Academy live very different experiences: from the typical hazing the new responsibilities...
The Midshipmen