In this monumental Romanian film, a large family and its many generations vie for advantage, seeking to win the inheritance sure to be left behind by...
Felix and Otilia
In New Year's Eve night, an emergency team is called to fix a tram power line. One member is missing though, he is involved in a DUI.
Ora zero
Mitică Popescu is a functionary at a bank and he is secretly in love with the owner. She is in financial trouble though, and she is about to...
Mitică Popescu
Andra is a redactor at a women's magazine. The readers are contacting her for help in thir relationships. But Anda has problems on her own.
Cine iubește și lasă
A local Romanian chieftain in 16th century Transylvania discovers a great treasure of Decebalus. He decides to send it for safekeeping in Moldavia,...
An uncompromising journalist obsessed with the idea of absolute justice ends up committing suicide after reading his father's biography. Based on...
Those Who Pay with Their Lives
A Romanian police officer, determined to free from prison a crooked businessman who knows where a mobster's money is hidden, must learn the difficult...
The Whistlers