Short film telling the story of James Ellis and Sam Thompson as they battle against the establishment to stage a controversial play in Belfast in...
Two Angry Men
A young woman's penchant for sensational Gothic novels leads to misunderstandings in the matters of the heart.
Northanger Abbey
Belfast 1972: The politically naive Bernie is trying to bring up a normal family in less than normal surroundings. Her best friend is accidentally...
Titanic Town
Cal, a young man on the fringes of the IRA, falls in love with Marcella, a Catholic woman whose husband, a Protestant policeman, was killed one year...
Belfast 1978: the Martin family, a year on. Norman is away in England, and his eldest son, Billy, and daughter, Lorna, are in charge of their younger...
A Matter of Choice for Billy
Belfast, 1980: July, the marching season ... Norman Martin, away for two years, returns with his 'English woman', Mavis. How will the family -...
A Coming to Terms for Billy
In the follow-up to Graham Reid’s trilogy of ‘Billy’ plays, Billy's sister Lorna Martin is left to care for their Uncle Andy. Lorna...
Set in Belfast against the backdrop of the 1986 World Cup, Shooting for Socrates tells the story of a momentous time in Northern Ireland's football...
Shooting for Socrates
Dorottya is a young Hungarian actress with a burning desire: to make it on the English stage. Legendary actor, Sir Michael Gifford suffers from an...
The Carer
Der Irland-Krimi: Gnadentod