Set in modern day Helsinki, Finland, Virality portrays the lives of several main characters confronted with viral themes. The film links emerging...
Mariia visits her childhood home and reminisces about the summer of 1986, when a girl named Mimi arrived in the small village and filled the life of...
Light Light Light
When carefree, young Lenni and his girlfriend find themselves expecting a child, he ends up looking for a role model in all the wrong places as he...
Stupid Young Heart
On April 13th 1976, a devastating munitions factory accident shook the town of Lapua, Finland. Hundreds of kilograms of gunpowder ignited, causing an...
Lapua 1976
A quiet farmer father and his son set out on a trip to the pharmacy after the teen has a little accident with his girlfriend.
About the Birds and the Bees
The average adult makes about 35 000 remotely conscious decisions each day. Each decision carries certain consequences – both good and bad....
Verdict 30.001: The Cookies
Keiu is a dreamy short film of depressed Selma whose life is divided in two. She is wasting away at her work in a terrible telemarketing office;...
In 1980, Finland’s most famous hypnotist Olavi Hakasalo, a.k.a Olliver Hawk, was put on trial. His mission in life had been to spread the...
The Hypnotist
A family's vacation to a remote getaway takes an unexpected turn when they discover the island they're on is inhabited by a serial killer.
Get Away