The story of the film follows Lazar, who, after a number of years spent as a traveling street artist, playing motionless sculpture, found himself on...
Lazarus Path
Sonja, a city girl from Zagreb, a vegetarian and a hardcore animal-rights activist, strongly opposes bullfighting in Dalmatinska zagora (Dalmatian...
Sonja and the Bull
A girl talks her boyfriend and her sister into traveling to the Lika backwoods. Their father, who abandoned the family years ago, lives there. Having...
An abused wife leaves her husband, takes her child away and goes to live in a car.
Mother of Asphalt
When Mia and Sara move into their new apartment their love gets cracks and communication through post-its becomes a serious problem.
In a Slavonian village, in 1960s, a rich man Marko offers Janja to marry his son Iva, which Janja sees as the perfect opportunity for her dreams to...
Holy Family
The sudden death of Oleg leads to the reunion of his group of long-lost friends who are back together after a long time. Their last goodbye to him...
High on Life
In this black comedy drama, we meet a seemingly perfect family consisting of Olivia, Alexander and their daughter Agata. With the arrival of...
Family Therapy
Man finds himself stuck in the moment between his wife's disappearance and new life created by his daughter and a new woman.
Children of the Fall
Hearts beat for hip hop until Bruno meets a beautiful violinist Nina and Zoki ends up in a hospital after a fight. Which love will prevail, love for...
The Beat of Love
Alvin signed a book deal for a book depicting love in modern age based on his own experiences. But he did not count on the fact that return to those...
Fuck Off I Love You
A sequel to omnibus "Zagreb Stories" tells about love and families in present-day Zagreb.
Zagreb Stories 2
The third part of "Zagreb Stories" franchise that connects short films about Zagreb into one whole. The plot of six short stories takes place during...
Zagreb Stories 3
She watches him through the window as he loads the final pieces of furniture into the truck. They are counting down the last hours in their home....
Hana, a young woman in her late twenties, has been faced with the most difficult decision in her life: to give birth to a child that will very likely...
I'll Probably Never See You Again
The Fall. Two school kids on the bridge are about to admit something very important. On the same day, the avalanche of events unfolded between men,...
Until the End of the Death
After giving birth in a hospital, Ana enters a bureaucratic labyrinth whose proportions and consequences she cannot even imagine.
Croatia, seven years after bankruptcy. There is a fight going on in the world - water has become more precious than oil. In order to get hold of it,...
The Last Serb in Croatia
Ana and Lars are spending their summer holiday on an island in the Adriatic sea. It seems like paradise, until an unexpected encounter puts their...