Gracinda, a young laundry washer, lives with her godfather, "Uncle" Jacinto, and together they run a family business, doing the laundry for residents...
Aldeia da Roupa Branca
The tragedy of a woman who - after seven years of vain searches - gave up hope of finding her husband, a knight lost in battle in Marroc with...
Frei Luís de Sousa
The adventurous life of Portugal's epic poet, Luis de Camões.
O Zé Analfabeto e o Trânsito
O Monstro de Santa Tereza
O Desterrado - Vida e Obra de Soares dos Reis
Melancholic and atheist bank clerk Manuel is stuck in a love triangle with two women, the fiery art model Albertina and the quiet and religious Ana...
A Garça e a Serpente
Alma e Corpo de uma Raça