Ebenezer Scrooge is back in a made-for-TV film produced by Coral Ridge Ministries. The ill-tempered miser is played by skilled Christian actor Dean...
Scrooge and Marley
A young girl and her brother take some friends on trip to check out a house the pair has just inherited. What they don't know is that the house is...
Witch Story
Amy Walsh returns to Philadelphia after 10 years to visit her ex-cop, current-con father and to join a stick-up crew. After a job gone wrong, Warren...
Crooked & Narrow
A street smart, 17-year-old named Daniel practices Parkour and is both hero and thief.
After ratting out his Mafia cohorts, Giovanni Manzoni and his family enter the Witness Protection Program and relocate to a sleepy town in France....
The Family
Set in a hostel in the 1980s, 'Digital Physics' follows Khatchig, a man searching for truth in mathematics, physics, logic, and life. As he...
Digital Physics
A seemingly bright and mostly innocent 16-year-old named Mo attempts to navigate high school under the guidance of his best friend Zeke, an...
Big Time Adolescence
Sgt. Tom Schmidt is waiting to come home from the Iraq War. But first, he has to get through the Elm County Hospital Physical Therapy Program to...
An Inappropriate Affect
When Santa Claus decides to retire and pass on his magic bag of Christmas surprises to a new Saint Nick, he enlists the aid of a hilarious assortment...
Ernest Saves Christmas