Bernie Davis, a Christmas tree salesman, has three trees left to sell on Christmas Eve. As the night progresses, his anxiety (and alcohol) leads him...
The Woodsman
As an imminent construction project looms over their beloved small-town baseball field, a pair of New England rec-league teams face off for the last...
Two Hollywood Producers try to save their dying careers by creating a blockbuster out of old movies and their warped imaginations. What they don't...
The History of Everything Circa 1993: F/K/A Kissy Cousins Monster Babies
A man-child named Buddy and his counterpart, The Suit, cross paths late one night in a homey diner.
Curdled Café
An energetic saleswoman pushes a reluctant bar owner to display her advertising.
Breakfast of Champions
Love Dogs is a gripping thriller that follows the life of John, a grieving local man, as he finds solace and intrigue in a mysterious young woman who...
Take from Me
A documentary film crew discovers an otherworldly mystery while investigating an unsolved murder.