“Dialing for Dingbats” is a light hearted romantic comedy. The film follows the adventures of nerd Randy, who, unable to score a girl in...
Dialing for Dingbats
This set gives you a chance to see some of today's best comedians when they were much younger. some peoples bits are very short, one joke short,...
Laughing Out Loud: America's Funniest Comedians
This follow-up to "Drug Wars: The Camarena Story" chronicles the fact-based fight by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency and the Colombian government to...
Drug Wars: The Cocaine Cartel
Brad Sexton and his wife, Caroline, are wealthy New Yorkers with both marital and financial problems. The latter issue becomes a pressing matter when...
For Richer or Poorer
Has-been sports promoter Billy Cole gets a second shot at fame and fortune when he puts together a women's volleyball team, comprised of exotic...
Cloud 9
"Chasing October" is a docu-comedy that chronicles one fan's crusade to take the Chicago Cubs to the World Series "by any means necessary." Director...
Chasing October