Bizarre back-to-back murders in an otherwise quiet Arizona desert town has rattled local Police Chief Jordan Sanders. The two dead women have no...
Maggie Moore(s)
"Third Act" follows a beloved theater troupe facing eviction, prompting them to scheme a bank heist while filming on-site. Combining the humor of...
Third Act
A young woman wakes up and finds a photo of herself sleeping on her phone, she lives alone.
A man about to commit a crime drifts into paranoia and faces the haunting of his own intents.
Dispose Of Us
An exploration of the making of b-movie sci-fi cult classic "The Creeping Terror" and its con-man director Art "A.J." Nelson/Vic Savage.
The Creep Behind the Camera
"Solitary" follows the writer Zoe Coleman, who despite all her success feels isolated in Los Angeles.
James, down on his luck and desperate for some quick cash, agrees to drive a small truck across country. He soon realizes that he's made a huge...
They say " You should marry your best friend," but what happens when you really do? After a night of debauchery in Vegas, childhood friends Frank and...
Intrusive Thoughts starring Kenneth Miller, Larry Cedar, and Kristen DeVore Rakes. A young woman tortured by jealousy is waiting for her husband to...
Intrusive Thoughts
Successful businessman Jake takes his pregnant girlfriend Lindsey on a babymoon trip to an upscale desert resort. When they get there, Lindsey...
Killer Vacation
Hazel suffers from a crippling case of agoraphobia - so much so that it causes a rift between her and her mother, Dee. They agree that Hazel will go...
Big Sky
Melissa, a happily married woman with an eight-year-old daughter, invites her husband's mother to live with them, only to realize that Grandma is...
Killer Grandma