Loosely based on the true events of a homeless loner who moves into a self-storage facility inhabited by a community of bizarre squatters until they...
Blood Shed
Real Estate Mogul Terri McKenzie finds herself with a case of mistaken identity when Billionaire George Camden needs help with his divorce...
Christmas for Sale
An AWOL marine in possession of secret government information, is a wanted man, pursued by Russian special ops, the LAPD, and a dangerous assassin.
Sunny and RayRay
Lorie Walker is a small town girl whose big dreams of becoming a dancer come true when she becomes a star in the Hip-Hop video world. But she soon...
Video Girl
Two foreign exchange high-school students are kidnapped during their quest to get laid on their last night in America.
Laid in America
There is more than hospitality happening at the famous 5 Star Hollywood Resort. Rumors are spread and secrets are said. In just one day the problems...
Life at the Resort