A group of talented but rebellious 'rock-star scientists' find themselves in a race against time to save Earth when a comet makes an unexpected turn...
Quantum Apocalypse
For centuries, a small but powerful force of warriors called the Green Lantern Corps has sworn to keep intergalactic order. Each Green Lantern wears...
Green Lantern
When Donna’s mother Eve dies, her sister inherits everything of value; all Donna gets is a list of addresses and mementos from her...
Eve of Understanding
When Callie's dreams of running away to a perfect future with her girlfriend go horribly wrong, she finds herself facing the scariest, strangest...
Two Headed Animals
A man travels through corporate corruption and his own sin to find his soul.
The Waiter
On a typical Friday night, a young photographer gets taken for a ride.
January Friend
A horrifying premonition saves a young man and his friends from death during a racetrack accident but terrible fates await them nonetheless.
The Final Destination