A happy family whose lives complement each other. While celebrating his wedding anniversary with his family, a rich businessman was suddenly...
Teka-Teki Tika
The story of youngsers led by Ayus (Ayus Sabyan) to build and develop a gambus musical group called Sabyan. Many interesting stories behind their...
Sabyan Menjemput Mimpi
A former clergyman finds himself back in his old boarding school where the disturbances experienced by its community might help him regain his faith...
The Unholy
Dikta, a smart final year student, and Nadhira, a lazy 12th grade high school student have very different characters. However, Dikta always helps...
Dikta & Hukum
Just now her husband died, Rini's sorrow grew when Bude, who raised her, died. While returning home to mourn, Rini's only child, Hafis, disappeared...
Makmum 2