Thomas, a scientist, lives in a childless marriage. When his wife travels to Copenhagen he begins an affair with a girl of 19. The girl and large...
The Crown Witness
A young, idealist American gets a job as a train conductor for the Zentropa railway network in postwar, US-occupied Frankfurt. As various people try...
The Queen of the Night enlists a handsome prince named Tamino to rescue her beautiful kidnapped daughter, Princess Pamina, in this screen adaptation...
The Magic Flute
A Swedish road movie about two mismatched women. The road leads to strange meetings and bizarre events and episodes.
Second Dance
In 1981, after the successful test of a submarine tracker device developed by the Swedish scientist Paul Mandell and sponsored by the US government...
The Inside Man
Reconstructions of unrealized Hungarian films in cooperation with the greatest Hungarian film directors.
Negative history of Hungarian cinema
In this absurd comedy two television reporters set out to find the famous gypsy Csulano.
Kiss Vakond