Follows a struggling golf course that suffers a string of caddy murders at the paws of pesticide-mutated gofers, while the greedy owner of the...
Caddy Hack
Miranda and Joseph begin to confront the turmoil in their relationship while remembering the moments of bliss they shared together in their past.
The story follows a headstrong music manager in desperate need of a hit song for his last remaining client, who finds himself falling for a gifted...
When Christmas Was Young
Dallas, a burdened but headstrong dancer, is determined to get into the best dance school in the country—her late mother’s alma mater....
Sidelined: The QB and Me
After years of best friendship, teenage Tom and Lucy finally surrender to spending the night together. As their new love blossoms, and Lucy's 'time...
More Together
The USS Enterprise crew explores the furthest reaches of uncharted space, where they encounter a mysterious new enemy who puts them and everything...
Star Trek Beyond
Just three days out from their wedding day, Jess and Max are ready to call it quits from the out-of-control planning. They visit Billie, the owner of...
Eat, Drink and Be Married
Two rival home shopping hosts are forced together while competing for a promotion. Along the way they find their on-air chemistry kindles an off-air...
Love in Store
In order to save her daytime soap drama from cancellation, head writer Maggie must convince Darin, fan favorite actor and her real-life ex-boyfriend,...
A Little Daytime Drama
When Casey and Henry celebrate their birthdays at the same restaurant, they make birthday wishes at the same time, which are granted. However, they...
The Wish Swap