The movie revolves around the female leads insecurity regarding her flat chest, as she suspects her boyfriend will be lured away by another woman's...
Flat-Chested Winnie’s Happy Voyage
Debbie was already pregnant in Indonesia before she was married to Taiwan. Her useless husband has no doubt till Debbie’s Indonesian friend...
The Happy Life of Debbie
Huihua, a music school freshman, is raped by Professor Lee. She files a suit against him with the help of another professor, who involves his...
Sex Appeal
Jin-Hui Chiu is a 28-year-old single girl recently returned home from Japan. Sean Shih is a 35-year-old Silicon Valley bachelor in search of a wife....
When Miracle Meets Maths
Man-Li always lives in the normal track as everybody considers. After graduating from school to society, she keeps each job with caution and fear....
Voice of Waves
Dajun still lives with his father, who dates and plans to marry a ditsy starlet. The boy's mother is a flight stewardess, hence often away, and so...
Bear Hug
When reaching the station a soul is told he has won another chance at life. He is placed in the body of 14 year old Makoto Kobayashi, who just...
Colorful Mind